GLUCH Communications
Hofackerstraße 9
63768 Hösbach

Cloud Collaboration Engineer

Phone:   +49 6024 3063-103

About GLUCH Communications

Since 1987, we have been transforming the communication of companies worldwide in a holistic and manufacturer independent way with a focus on messaging, meeting and, above all, complex calling environments including peripherals such as contact centers.

In our in-house research and development laboratories, we analyze new technologies at an early stage – independently or in cooperation with a number of manufacturers. Together with our experience from countless national and global projects, this allows us to constantly stay ahead of change.

In addition to comprehensive strategy consulting, we accompany our customers with a focus on multi-vendor interoperability, integration, transformation and adoption in their respective, individual environments. We are ready to step in at any stage of project of all degrees of complexity to provide consulting and professional services. In global multi-vendor projects with over 100,000 workstations, we offer referenceable experience for successful transformations.

Our Mission

ahead of change.
Being the trusted advisor for our clients: completely independent, based on our own research, testing and project experience and with a holistic approach.


In the context of the complete IT enterprise architecture of a company with focus on communication and collaboration in the sense of:

  • Messaging: team collaboration, chat, presence,…
  • Meeting: video conferencing systems, boards and peripherals
  • Calling: voice and video telephony including complex peripherals and applications such as contact center, recording, etc. integrated into calendar/mail platforms and enterprise content management.

In doing so, we work with all manufacturers relevant for professional corporate communication, such as Cisco, Microsoft, Zoom and Google, and at the same time evaluate other competitors on the market.

About me

In 2021, Jannick Gluch completed his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the age of only 21. He is now working in the company whilst completing his Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence.
With his Bachelor’s thesis “Design, Implementation and Test of a Natural Language Processing-based Meeting Planning and Scheduling Bot within a modern multi-vendor Cloud Collaboration Environment”, Jannick Gluch is paving the way for the next evolutionary stage of GLUCH. In his Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence, he continues to work on how computers, devices and machines will interact with humans via chat and natural language, as well as change communication in business and all other areas of life.


  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Gut)

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